Chromosome Disorders

Garrulous Gabi

This week has been a muchos better week at Stov HQ.  The cleaner started, the vomit count has reduced and The Tidy Tyrant has been home.  Win Win Win! We did end up in the local hospital one afternoon last week.  I had taken Huxley to the GP as he was full of the cold… Continue reading Garrulous Gabi

Uncategorized · World Down Syndrome Day

Huxley’s celebrates his 1st World Down’s Syndrome Day

I felt it would be remiss of me if I didn’t write a blog of World Down Syndrome Day.  It is a global awareness day that has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012.  The date is significant as it represents the triplication of the 21st chromosome which causes Down’s Syndrome.  So today I… Continue reading Huxley’s celebrates his 1st World Down’s Syndrome Day