tube weaning

Daisy Doodles, I can’t wait for what’s to come!

It’s been 10 weeks and three days since I last wrote a blog.  I’m not sure I’ve actually managed a quiet sit down in that time.  There’s so much to tell I’m not sure where to start. When I left you last, and I had to go back and read the last blog to remind… Continue reading Daisy Doodles, I can’t wait for what’s to come!

Chromosome Disorders · down's syndrome · milestones · tube weaning

Will the ear infection ever go away?

Today the blog comes to you from a Scotrail train.  I am venturing north to Inverness.  I have two good reasons for this.  The Tidy Tyrant is working near there and gets a Sunday off and Tumultuous Toshi has completed a cycling challenge there.  A perfect opporchancity to have some kid free time with the… Continue reading Will the ear infection ever go away?

Family Days Out

Look! Poppy’s big enough for a big girl seat on the cargo bike…

Today’s blog comes to you from from the Royal Hospital for Children in Glasgow (well ok so not all of it does as I only got the first paragraph written on Friday while Daisy was in day surgery).  Daisy is having a little op to have her eye check up and an ENT procedure.  The… Continue reading Look! Poppy’s big enough for a big girl seat on the cargo bike…

tube weaning

Tubie, or not Tubie: that is the question!

When I left you last I was about to run a half marathon.  Well that was six weeks ago.  Doesn’t time fly when you are running around like a blue arsed fly all the time?  I was chuffed to bits with my time.  I was hoping to complete it in less than 1 hour 55… Continue reading Tubie, or not Tubie: that is the question!


Goodness gracious me, how gorgeous is Gairloch?

I have been meaning to write a blog for weeks now but there has been very little time going spare.  The Tidy Tyrant was working abroad for about three weeks and Glamorous Grammy has been out of action.  She is finally getting to the bottom of her poorly wrists and hands.  They think it might… Continue reading Goodness gracious me, how gorgeous is Gairloch?

World Down Syndrome Day

I absolutely wouldn’t change a thing, my little Huxley Bear

This week is Down’s Syndrome Awareness Week and as such I owe it to my amazing little man to devote this entire blog post to him.  My little Huxley Bear.  Admittedly he is entirely unaware that he has Down’s Syndrome.  I think all his wee pals at nursery are also entirely unaware that he has… Continue reading I absolutely wouldn’t change a thing, my little Huxley Bear

Birthday Celebrations

Four, Flurries, Feeding and Family

We have ourselves a four year old.  A very teeny tiny four year old who still wears 18-24 month clothes.  Thank goodness she wasn’t born three days earlier or she’d be going to school this August and I’m not sure we’d have found her a uniform to fit!  We were snowed in on her actual… Continue reading Four, Flurries, Feeding and Family


Fuelling the Fitness Fanatic in February

The weeks have been rolling by and I realised it’s about a month since my last blog post.  It’s not that there isn’t anything to write about.  Far from it.  It’s finding the time.  Especially as I have been ramping up the fitness regime.  I’ve been managing out to circuit training twice a week, after… Continue reading Fuelling the Fitness Fanatic in February

Weight Gain

Lovely little lemon pot with lots of lovely calories

DAISY HAS PUT ON WEIGHT!!! Yes people, despite having two pukey weeks over Christmas and another pukey week at Center Parcs, she has managed to go from 9.55kgs in mid December to 10.35kgs.  I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am about this.  And it is mostly down to the addition of a… Continue reading Lovely little lemon pot with lots of lovely calories