
McDonalds, matching trainers, a marathon and a monocle.

Last week The Tidy Tyrant let the team down with a trip to McDonalds.  This put me in a very difficult position.  But I am pleased to report that I have stayed strong and have denied myself one of my favourite treats.  So I am now nearly 5 months in.  I suppose I might as well continue.  I really hope McDonalds is open on 1st January 2018 as that’s where I intend to do my first footing.  For the non Scottish amongst you, the first-foot is the first person to enter the home of a household on New Year’s Day and a bringer of good fortune for the coming year.  I’m sure that McDonalds will appreciate me bringing them good fortune.

Daisy’s hip appointment was a success last week.  The hip joint is continuing to grow correctly and so we don’t have to go back for a check up for another year.  One less appointment on my busy appointment schedule.

I think many of you will have seen the little clip of Daisy successfully pressing the button on the spinning toy.  This was a huge achievement for the little lady.  She got that toy for Christmas and we’ve been trying to get her to push the top since then.  It’s difficult to show her how to do it when she won’t let you touch her hands!

In other Daisy news, her feet have grown.  Woop woop.  I took her to Clarks to get a little pair of trainers to match Huxley’s and we had her teeny tiny feet measured.  She has just edged her way into a size 3.  I was tremendously excited about this for a few reasons:

  1. The trainers are called Doodles – Daisy Doodles – get it?
  2. Matching trainers, well need I say more?
  3. Surely growing feet mean a growing body?
  4. All the little Next sandals start in a size three and I am desperate to get her a pair for our holiday next month
  5. I am a massive child and get ridiculously overexcited about little things
How cute???

On Sunday we watched the very first Stirling marathon.  Again I was an overgrown child and was stupidly excited about it.  Daisy was also pretty excited by the whole event, while Huxley had a rabbit in headlights look about him all day.  A small piece of me did wish I was taking part.  I think it’s something special to say you took part in the first ever Stirling Marathon but I know that had I not been pregnant, I wasn’t back to full fitness after having Huxley and wouldn’t have got a good time.  And well I’m not running a marathon again just for the sake of it.  If I ever do one again, I’ll be aiming for under three and a half hours! It was fabulous to be able to support all of my friends that took part.  Hats off to them.  It wasn’t an easy route.  They were made to do two and a half laps round the town centre from miles 17 onwards.  Criminal.  Anyone who has done a marathon will understand the mental torture that this poses.  So a big, massive, huge, enormous well done to:

  • Sensitive Sarah – she was all emotional and crying as she ran past us
  • Hard-as-nails Helen – she decided to run at the last minute despite suffering injury throughout her training
  • Dashing David – I only caught the back of him as he sped past
  • Racing Robert- I didn’t catch him at all as he was so speedy
  • Sporty Sally – she instills a love of sport in all the children lucky enough to be taught by her
  • Fearless Fiona – well she is a high school teacher?!?!

If I have forgotten you please accept my apologies.  I’m blaming baby brain!  I should also give a mention to my brilliant friend Garrulous Gabi and her friend Merry Margaret who set up a fantastic supporting station in the last few laps of the marathon.   I know they helped make a very difficult time that little bit cheerier for many runners.  In fact, the very last runner did a Facebook share trying to find out who they were as they were such a great support to her.  They were the last ones out supporting when everyone else had gone home.  Below is a little marathon video from r7cmedia to show you some of the highlights:

This week we have moved ourselves along to Glamorous Grammy’s house.  She had a new eye put in on Monday and can’t see properly until it settles down and has to take it easy.  Anyone who knows Glamorous Grammy will tell you the challenge involved in making her do that.  Because she has to protect her eye, she can’t have a cuddle from Huxley.  He is a massive grabber and particularly likes to touch faces.  We can’t risk him damaging her new eye so the poor wee man is missing out on his Grammy cuddles.  He keeps looking at her and putting his arms up to be picked up and looking all forlorn when she doesn’t.  It’s such a wee shame.  She’s also not allowed to lift anything which makes it difficult to look after Daisy and Huxley.  Thankfully Patient Pops, Auntie Peaceful and Uncle Quiet have been able to step in to help out so I could work.  They have done the nursery drop offs and pick ups for Daisy and taken Huxley out today for his lunch and to the park.  The bambinos have had a fabulous day with them.  Garrulous Gabi also helped out on Monday and came to their swimming group with me so they didn’t miss out.  She had such a great time that she says Glamorous Grammy is now redundant!

Huxley has been behaving strangely around men.  Well apart from Patient Pops.  When Uncle Quiet has come round to see him, he has taken one look at him, the bottom lip has wobbled and he has burst into tears.  He’s done the same at Pool Group with Affable Andy.  Two of the calmest, kindest men you can meet and the wee man bursts into tears.  I can only assume its because he is missing his Daddy and is not used to having men around as much.  I really hope he doesn’t do it when his Daddy arrives home or the Tidy Tyrant will be gutted.

It is now just over two weeks until Huxley’s first birthday.  Holy moly this year has flown by.  I am very much hoping that The Tidy Tyrant is going to be home by then.  Not only because I am missing him heaps, but also I need him to do the birthday BBQ.  I figure that if he’s not here, I’ll just prepare some sausages (I love a good sausage) and leave the BBQ out with some charcoal and firelighters and hope that some men gravitate towards it and get them cooked.  Failing that I’ll just make sure there is plenty of prosecco and hope no one notices the lack of food.  On Daisy’s first birthday I made her a home made cake so I have to do the same for Huxley.  I have decided to attempt a dairy free giraffe cake.  Now it’s documented on here I am committed.  Watch this space!

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